The creation of my Inspiration document. Not only have I CREATED the Inspiration drawing, but along the way, I have EVALUATED and ANALYSED the document Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Having done these three actions by using the program Inspiration, I have fulfilled the top three categories of Bloom's Taxonomy.

I have incorporated VYGOTSKY into my Original Blog by...
ANALYSING what would have been had we linked everyone's Blog's together when we were at home. Analysing is Vygotsky's main focus. By deciding and realising that it would have been far easier for us to link up at home, and giving reasons for, analysis was completed.
"To put it bluntly, it would have been a whole lot easier. Not only would people have been using their own computers, which you are automatically more at ease with, but there are more interesting and exciting things to do at home. At the same time as setting up your blog, you would have been chatting with at least one other person on MSN, would have been listening to a new song you have just downloaded on iTunes, have a game minimised, waiting for you to play; transferring some money from one account to another and surfing the net.What we have done with our 'linking up' of other people's blogs is created a learning environment; a social constructivist network. From here, now that we worked out all the difficulties, it is much easier to learn and educate from and to our contacts. It is an exciting, new and interesting way to learn and help others learn. Welcome to the future!"...
I have incorporated GLASSER into my Original Blog by...
Making the Blog FUN. By adding elements such as an MP3 Music file and a part of one of my favourite television shows, Friends, as well as making it colourful, my original blog is fun and interesting and exciting.
I have incorporated HATTIE into my Original Blog by...
STUDENTS PRIOR COGNITIVE ABILITY. Much of this information, including concepts on Bloom, Vygotsky and even Blog's in general (I have a MySpace) was already known, but I was able to build on what I had previously learnt. For example, even though I could post pictures on MySpace, Blogger posts them differently so I put the knowledge that I had gained from a previous experience and used it learn and motivate myself to post a picture on Blogger.